Query Output
👤 This documentation is intended for SQL Users.
When exploring data and building data models, it’s important for data analysts to understand the data they are drawing from and how that data can be broken down and examined. After running a query, the result set can be viewed in multiple ways:
* Output
* Full Output
* Statistics
* Query

The Output will display a table of the query results, bounded by the limit preview that is defined. The values within each field will be truncated based on length.

Full Output
The Full Output will display a table of the query results, bounded by the limit preview that is defined. The values within each field will not be truncated.

The statistics tab in the editor allows the user to quickly understand and parse the results of their query, without writing more SQL.
Note: Summary Statistics is available on select plans. Site administrators can contact their Customer Success Manager for additional information.

Understanding Results
When running a query, the Statistics tab below the SQL editor can be used to better understand cardinality, clustering, and ranges of values in the query results. Each column will have a corresponding box that will include a graph of the values; Numeric values and dates will be shown as a histogram with a box plot, and strings will be listed in descending order of appearance. Additionally, each column box will show the percentage of nulls and the number of distinct values in the column, along with the standard deviation for numeric values. These summaries are based on the results passed to the browser and are beholden to the preview limits.

The data in the Statistics tab can also be cross filtered for better examination of how each field relates to one another. To filter, simply click the bar within the graph corresponding to the column and value.

This will add the filter to the top of the statistics tab and filter all of the other column boxes to only show information surrounding the rows that match the new filter. The filter will not affect the column box it’s tied to. Filters can be removed by hovering over the filter and clicking the ‘X’

Query will display the full query, including the limit.